We’re delighted to announce the launch of our updated client app across both Android and iOS devices including smartphones and tablets.

Our development team have introduced features to the new app that are designed to make your life easier. Through the latest features available at your fingertips, this means that you can be kept up-to-date in all areas of your investment 24/7.

The Benefits

  • Full portfolio information and valuations, along with checking the status of financial goals
  • The ability to top-up investment via our impulseSave® technology from as little as £1
  • Ability to manage and upload documents
  • Facility to view personal details
  • Adviser contact and mapping

What’s New:

New app features include:

  • Scheduled impulseSave® so you can now schedule an impulseSave® payment
  • A cleaner, more polished dashboard
  • Clearer graphs and charts to track your investments’ progress

Download the App

If you already have the app, make sure to download the latest version in order to gain access to these new and exciting instalments. If you are yet to download the app, use the buttons below to download it today.

[button_link color=”purple” text=”Download iOS App” link=”https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/true-potential/id335004502?mt=8″] [button_link color=”purple” text=”Download Android App” link=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tpinside.android”]

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